Sunday, February 19, 2006

dad, you have been scolding and yelling at me ever since yesterday. i just wanted to take some papers for my maths, yet you scolded and said i was stupid & dumb. you said i was a useless bumhead. & that i couldnt do any simple things right.
FINE! then tell me, whats right whats wrong?

i knew i'm poor & lousy in maths. you think i want my maths to be lousy? i used to get 20/100 for my primary school maths. but i did pass my psle maths didnt i? & now? for secondary 1 & 2, i got A1 didnt i? you din appreciate that either. only mum did.. she even gave me something for my results. you just gave me a hell lot of scoldings.

what was your comment to me after my psle results?
"what the hell?! NA?! did any of my family members get into the NA stream?!"
those shocking coments of yours. did you ever consider how those NA pupils felt whenever people critisise them?

i asked you bout some computer stuffs. you told me to on the computer to show you. in the end, you told me whats wrong of it. and you scolded me stupid for as i on the computer.
god damn it, it was you who told me to on the computer.

get the fucking facts right before telling me that what i'm doing is wrong.

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